Jumbo Quail
Bred for:
Meat & eggs.
Jumbo Quail
Egg production:
Around 250 per year.
Becomes very tame & easy to handle.
Recommendation: An incubator is needed to successfully breed these birds.
Applications: They are very sought after for large scale meat & egg production and in private homes to augment the family income!
In many countries in central Africa the quail & her eggs are as common on the table as chicken is in South Africa!
This is a huge untapped market!
We freight our birds safely and economically all over South Africa
Quail are a delicacy in South Africa
They are found in menus in upmarket restaurants, hotels, game farms, delicatessens, catering companies and of course home industry outlets. The eggs are even more nutritious than fowl eggs and are reputed to have NO cholesterol, making them the ideal health & diet food.
They are used in salads, pickled, scrambled, fried for that special breakfast, or even boiled with a soft center and served in their shells as a starter to get your guests chatting as they peel & dip them into herb salt or an exotic mayonnaise!
They also provide an excellent source of feed for snake and reptile breeders and of course the pet shops. Selling their eggs can easily cover the cost of your feed bill. All the rest is then profit!
This unique quail becomes sexually mature at between 7 & 8 weeks, but only reaches its full size around 10 weeks old.
They are very punctual little birds. They start laying at 6 weeks almost to the day and they only lay for a few hours in the afternoon. If for example the eggs are incubated in the morning they will start hatching out exactly 16 days later... In the morning!!
The breeder gets a very fast return on his investment. From the day of hatching to the laying of the first egg is a mere 8 weeks! Chickens, in comparison are around 30 weeks depending on the species.
Quail droppings are excellent fertilizer. Especially if added to your compost heap. An additional little bonus to breeding!
They start laying at 8 weeks, but only come into full fertility 2 or 3 weeks later. It is not advisable to use these immature eggs for breeding purposes unless you have excessive incubator space, as few of them will hatch. There is no need however to waste them as they can be put on the breakfast table or sold as fresh eating eggs. A few days old!
They will reach they full weight around 10 weeks old. Some of the hens will outweigh the cocks and yield higher prices when laid out. Unlike an old chicken the jumbo meat is still tender at this age.
They can also be housed in aviaries with certain other birds, but will not roost, nest or sit in trees or bushes.They cannot be free ranged in the garden as they will not stay in the area like a chicken, in addition every type of predator from a rat to a domestic dog will go to great lengths to add them to their lunch time menu!!
We supply all that is needed for both the large investor or the beginner breeder:
- Quail chicks 2 to 3 weeks old
- Point of lay cocks & hens
- From incubators to adult cages
- Feed supplements
- Water fonts and feeders
- Fertile eggs
- Hygrometers
- Digital thermometers
- Infrared heating lamps
And most important of all....
We are available to you, on email or cell, to help & advise 365 days a year.
Whether you have just purchased from us or bought our products a year ago. You are always welcome