Rhode Island Red Chicken
Rhode Island Red
These birds are one of the most disease resistant free range chickens I have bred.
A top layer, with beauty to boot!
She will give you 6 to 7 eggs a week in her prime.
As with all laying birds egg production drops off during the winter months. This is caused mainly by the shorter daylight hours.
We manufacture and market a weather proof laying light to counter this. Our automatic unit utilizes an economical 11 watt energy saver bulb which is sufficient for approximately 100 birds or more, depending on your housing conditions. The laying light increases egg production to almost the summer highs and it will also give you optimum summer egg production
We sell both the Rhode Island Red and the Rhode Island Whites from a few weeks old and up. But It is seldom that we have point of lay birds available. However for those people who want older birds we offer a "growing service." What this means is that we grow the required number of chickens to the age our client needs. This can be any number of chicks, any age or any sex. A delivery or collection date is given and a price is quoted for the chicks at that age. For this we ask a small deposit and balance of payment on delivery
Young Rhode Island Reds and Whites
It is good practice to inspect your chickens on a regular basis for parasites such as lice and mites and to also de-worm them twice a year or more often if needed. A severe infestation can reduce egg production or render them totally infertile. If this occurs it can take up to 3 weeks for normal fertility to return to the flock.